Jun 9, 2011
The Pacific Northwest. As seen through Instagram.
There are so many things I love about the Pacific Northwest. So many reasons to call it home. On my most recent trip to Seattle, Salem & Bend, I spent the majority of my time hanging out with family & friends, eating amazing comfort food and snuggling with my niece & nephew as much as possible. Since I didn’t have my “big” camera out very much, here is a sneak peek into my trip through my iPhone. 🙂
I can’t help but love the view when landing in Portland:

One of the reasons for my visit was to attend a wedding in Seattle. The wedding was beautiful and I was excited to attend as a guest! I was also able to visit a few close college friends…and take a tour of the Google offices!

After saying good-bye to Seattle, I headed west to Bend! My niece & nephew are at the perfect age with so much personality, spunk and attitude. I love these little babies (okay, they’re not so little anymore) and they keep getting cuter & cuter every time I see them. The first photos you see are their “strong faces”…so adorable!!!

When I wasn’t following around little babies, I was eating! So much yummy food on this trip and I, of course, had to document it!

Ahhhh, I love Oregon!

And last, but not least, Daisy. She missed me. As much as a cat can “miss” a human. 🙂

It was a fabulous and relaxing trip home!!
Looks amazing!! Your niece and nephew are sooooo cute!! 🙂